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Humans are strange, and when they think no one is looking, things can get weird. I mean, come on, you know that when you’re home alone, you do stuff you’d never do if someone were over, like sit naked in the living room eating chips. The problem with all the people below is that they weren’t home! They were at someone else’s house, and many had been hired to do a job. Oddly, even though a lot of them knew a camera was watching (or maybe because a camera was watching), they still did some bizarre things that will leave you as baffled as it did the household owners. Take a look at these nanny cam stories and see what you think! From petty theft to laundry enterprises and even a few heartwarming stories, people shared nanny cam posts that will make you question anyone you’ve hired to kid sit, house sit, or even water the plants!
#1: Wearing the Evidence
Without a nanny cam, I suppose this nanny could have tried to say they owned the same blouse and might have gotten away with it, but being caught on camera makes that entirely impossible. She’d have been better off explaining that she’d spilled something on hers and just needed to borrow a shirt.
Hopefully, in the future, she’s paranoid enough about cameras at her job site that she doesn’t steal people’s clothing. It also makes me wonder how often this happens. I don’t know that I’d notice a blouse going missing. I’d assume I misplaced it or that it just mysteriously disappeard- not that the nanny stole it! Maybe I have too much faith in humanity.