My Friends All Drive Porsches
Contrary to popular belief, Janis Joplin didn’t drive a Mercedes Benz! Instead, she was smitten by a Porsche cruising the San Francisco streets, leading her to buy a 1964 Porsche 356 C Cabriolet in glamorous Beverly Hills. Her roadie, Dave Richards, added a vibrant, custom paint job. Following her tragic death, the car was discovered in a Hollywood hotel garage, later restored to its original Dolphin Gray by her family. However, thanks to a treasure trove of photos, the car eventually reclaimed its flamboyant colors.

For a full two decades, Janis Joplin’s iconic Porsche 365 held a place of honor on the main floor of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 2015, it was time for a change. Initially estimated to fetch a modest $400,000 to $600,000, the legendary vehicle stunned the crowd when it was auctioned off for an astounding $1.76 million! One can only hope the auctioneer cheekily told the lucky winner, “You’ve got it, hope it makes you feel good!”